Wupperthal – Fresh Water Pypeline

The original pipeline, out of the Tratra river, was installed in the 1960’s, to supply the community of Wupperthal with fresh drinking water. Over the years the pipeline has been repaired and sections replaced. The pipeline deteriorated to the point where an upgrade was required to provide more sustainable, consistent stable water flow, minimise repairs and disruptions and avoid the scenario the town could be left without water and/or the quality of this water could be compromised.
The Rupert Foundation decided to replace the existing pipeline with a completely new one.
Boland Bouers, along with the help of BVi Consulting Engineers, were appointed.
The job consisted of:
• Pulling 2.2km’s of new 110mm diameter Class 10 HDPE pipeline into position,
• Installation of cable bridges to keep the pipeline above flood water levels,
• Installation of air valves,
• Installation of siphon systems,
• Installation of a chlorinator for purification of any dangerous bacteria,
• Installation of filters to catch any solids picked up in the system,
• The removal of the original pipeline,
One of the most important factors on the pipeline’s replacement was to install the new pipeline in the exact same, existing, location. This prevented any disturbance to the environment and protected the Flora & Fauna of the area. The terrain and topography of the river valley does not allow for vehicle access, so all the materials need to be carried by hand. Not only the new materials going in but also the old pipeline materials coming out!
The job consisted of:
• Pulling 2.2km’s of new 110mm diameter Class 10 HDPE pipeline into position,
• Installation of cable bridges to keep the pipeline above flood water levels,
• Installation of air valves,
• Installation of siphon systems,
• Installation of a chlorinator for purification of any dangerous bacteria,
• Installation of filters to catch any solids picked up in the system,
• The removal of the original pipeline,
One of the most important factors on the pipeline’s replacement was to install the new pipeline in the exact same, existing, location. This prevented any disturbance to the environment and protected the Flora & Fauna of the area. The terrain and topography of the river valley does not allow for vehicle access, so all the materials need to be carried by hand. Not only the new materials going in but also the old pipeline materials coming out!